Product Tip: How to use validations in Kissflow to create restrictions in your leave request form

Hereโ€™s a quick video explaining how you can use Kissflow validations in your leave request form to restrict users from submitting leave applications when they fail to meet specific requirements. Learn how you can implement this in your organization based on your requirements.

  1. First, create a Rich text field and fill in the eligibility criteria details for personal and vacation leave so the employee knows the criteria.
  2. Then add a dropdown field with the different leave types and a hidden Date Limit field to determine the earliest date an employee can avail of a leave.
  3. To achieve this, we can compute the field using the IF() operator, with the formula if(Leave_type = "Personal," today() + 3, if(Leave_type = "Vacation," today() + 10, today())). This field will be computed based on the formula every time a new item is created. 
  4. Now, in the leave Start date field, add 2 validations: The date should not be in the past and should be Greater than the date in the date limit field.
  5. For the first validation, Set a custom error message: Start date cannot be in the past.
  6. For the second validation, choose the Date limit field and set the custom error message as: You do not meet the eligibility requirement. Please read the requirements mentioned above.

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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
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