Product Tip: How to print comments in your Kissflow process form

We hope you all had a lovely weekend :D Here's your tip for the day!

Sometimes, you might get instructions/questions under Comments when submitting an item in your Process. In the Kissflow Process form, you can print these comments separately.

As a  Process Admin, youโ€™ve access to print comments by default. However, you can also give access to Anyone by changing the print permissions inside the form.

Once youโ€™ve access to print a form, hereโ€™s how you can print comments:

  • Open an item and click the Printer button at the top right corner of your form.
  • Under Print preferences > Form settings, use the toggle button to enable or disable the Comments option. Click Print.
  • Select your print preferences and click Save.


You can read more about print permissions in process form here

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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
  • 65Views