Coming Soon: Process Comments

Hello Community Members,

Exciting news is just around the corner! We listened, and your feedback will shape our next enhancement! Our team has been working tirelessly on improvements for our Process Forms' comments section, and we can't wait to give you a sneak peek!

In the upcoming enhancements, you'll soon be able to assign comments to specific users within your workflow, fostering better communication and accountability. Additionally, we're introducing an "Assigned Comments" tab for effortless tracking, ensuring improved task management. This streamlined feature will undoubtedly enhance productivity and create a smoother workflow.

We're so excited to roll out these new enhancements and can't wait for you to try them out. So stay tuned for our official announcement, and prepare to take your collaboration game to the next level!

Note: The ‘Assigned to me’ tab will be renamed to ‘Assigned items’ with this release. 

If you're as excited as we are to see this feature go live, show your support by liking this post. This feature is expected to roll out by next week.

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  • 8 mths agoLast active
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