How to set up connections in Kissflow integrations

Integration runs require valid authentication before triggers and actions can be configured and tested. When multiple developers set up integrations, it leads to multiple access keys and security vulnerabilities. Super Admins and developers can create connections in Kissflow integrations and share them with other developers to overcome this issue. 

Connections in integrations are secure authentications that allow Kissflow to communicate with other flows to exchange information with each other and with third-party applications in the integration. Such authentications can be either Access key-based or OAuth based. 

You can share connections with other account members for different integrations, too. These connections are categorized per the flow, which lets the developer create one connection for a process, board, or dataset. For example, if you want a common authentication for your process items, you can create a connection and share it with the developers. Any developer with access to this connection will find the connection in the authentication step while setting up the integration. Watch this video to learn how to set up connections in Kissflow. 


Learn more about setting up connections in Kissflow integrations here.

Have you set up connections in your Kissflow integrations? 

A) Yes, I have. 

B) No 

C) I will set up connections now.

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