Analytics in apps
Analytics lets App developers extract valuable insights from various forms in the app. Each form’s data is represented in Analytics through tables, allowing the creation of tabular, chart,…
Data Source
In Analytics, a data source refers to any form of data from which you can create dataviews and reports. This can be a flow table, child table, or a system table.
Enhanced Pivot Report
Take a look at the enhanced pivot reports in Kissflow. With new features and an improved user interface, you have more control than ever over what data you wish to see in your pivot reports.…
Understanding use cases with SQL queries in Analytics
Understanding analytics is essential for enterprises, especially in cross-flow reporting and workload analysis. It is essential for managing apps and other modules like processes, boards,…
Preview: Enhanced Analytics Report creation coming soon to Kissflow
We're thrilled to give you a sneak peek at the upcoming enhancements to the Analytics Reports feature in Kissflow. These changes, set to launch by the second week of December 2023,…
Changes to export behavior in Kissflow Analytics
We're changing how data sources and reports are exported in Kissflow Analytics. Earlier, they were exported in a ZIP file. Now, you can directly export them in CSV or JSON format.…
Overview of Kissflow Analytics
Analytics, also referred to as data analytics, involves the systematic exploration of substantial data sets to discover, examine, and communicate fresh insights and information.…
Product Tip: How to create a report over a process table and child table using Kissflow analytics
In this video, discover how to create insightful reports from process and child tables effortlessly. By creating a dataview in analytics, you can combine and merge data from processes and child…
Creating Status summary report based on boards in Analytics
The Status summary report based on board Items provides a high-level overview of the number of items in each status across one or more boards. This report can be a valuable tool for tracking the…
Kissflow connector for BI
This article discusses how Kissflow will share Snowflake data with Kissflow customers who have purchased the Kissflow connector for BI. The Kissflow connector for BI is a data integration tool that…
Dataset table in Analytics
Dataset tables appear in the Kissflow Analytics for each dataset you create in your Kissflow account. These tables are designed with a tabular structure,…
System tables in Analytics
The system table is a table that contains specific details of all the workload information across Kissflow. There are two system tables for processes called ProcessInstance and ActivityInstance that…
Process table in Analytics
Process tables are automatically generated within the Kissflow Analytics for every process you create in your Kissflow account. Each process is represented as a table,…
Creating Process Step performance report with Analytics
Time is a critical factor when it comes to creating a process workflow. Setting SLAs and deadlines relies on estimating the time needed for each workflow step based on complexity and available…
Creating Process Item completion time report with Analytics
Lead time, also known as the item completion time, is the time it takes for a work item to go from being created to being completed. It is an important measure of how efficient a business is.…
Board table in Analytics
Board tables are system-generated tables that appear in Kissflow Analytics for each board that you create in your Kissflow account. These tables allow you to interpret and analyze the board data in…
Connecting Kissflow connector for BI with Microsoft Power BI
After successfully configuring your Kissflow account with Snowflake data warehouse, you must then connect Kissflow connector for BI with Microsoft Power BI.…
Creating Procurement spend analysis report by department and product category
When a company's procurement manager wants to understand procurement patterns from purchase requests, they can measure total spending by department and product category.…
Setting up Kissflow BI connector with Microsoft Power BI via ODBC
Kissflow BI connector allows you to access your Kissflow data stored in a Snowflake database with Microsoft Power BI via the ODBC driver. The ODBC driver acts as the interface for Microsoft Power BI…
Managing reports
To access reports in analytics, click Analytics in the left navigation bar and open the Reports page. Here, you can view all reports created in analytics to which you have access.…
Pivot reports
Pivot reports enable you to summarize, arrange, and compare a large amount of data effectively. Creating a pivot report Click the + Create report button on the Analytics page. Select the data source.…
Tabular reports
Tabular reports display information in columns and rows, forming a grid similar to a spreadsheet. Creating a tabular report Click the Create Report button ()on the Analytics page.…
Using reports
Analytics reports feature enable you to create cross-form reports over various data sources, including process tables, child tables, system tables, datasets, and dataviews,…
Reports overview
Kissflow Analytics Reports offers a robust solution for generating comprehensive reports by merging diverse data sources such as process tables, board tables, child tables, system tables, datasets,…
Chart reports
Charts offer a graphical representation of the data in reports. The following are the six major types of charts: area, bar, doughnut, line, pie, and scatter chart.…