Components are the building blocks used to create applications in the Kissflow app builder. They include elements like containers, forms, tables, and reports which can be visually configured to…
Custom components
Custom components can be created in the app builder’s pages in addition to the the system components provided by Kissflow out of the box. Custom components allow developers to create high-quality app…
The navigation bar and its associated menu options allow you to define your application's structure for different user role types. You can design your own navigation and assign it to different user…
Pages help you create interactive interfaces within the app builder that allow you to collect, display, and manage data visually. You can create multiple pages, tailor them to specific user roles,…
Initiate is a type of permission that allows users to initiate new items in process and boards and work on the items they create.
Manage is a type of permission that allows users to initiate new items and manage existing ones. They will have access to all reports by default.
The Run option allows you to preview the app before deploying it to the test or production environment. To successfully run the app in preview mode, the app must contain at least one page and a…
Model viewer
Model viewer in Apps is similar to an entity-relationship (ER) model widely used in DBMS (Database Management System). Model viewer can help you create a real-time visualisation of all the process,…
Portal Admin
A Portal Admin has access to the Portal settings option under Portal administration. Portal admins can control the portal's default settings that impact how data is formatted and displayed.…
Analytics report
Analytics reports allow you to create cross-form reports from various data sources, including process tables, child tables, system tables, datasets, and data views.…
Data Source
In Analytics, a data source refers to any form of data from which you can create dataviews and reports. This can be a flow table, child table, or a system table.
System tables
In Analytics, system tables are automatically generated by the system to monitor status and activities across datasources like processes, boards, and datasets.…
A dataview is a tabular representation of data created from one or more tables or other dataviews in Kissflow Analytics. It is formed by performing joins or unions via Snowflake SQL queries in the…
A dimension is an attribute used in analytics to categorize and provide context to the data shown on a chart. Dimensions are usually represented on the X-axis of a graphical chart.…
In Analytics, a measure is an attribute used to compare data on a chart. It is displayed on the Y-axis of a graphical chart. You can choose to display multiple measure values in a chart/pivot report.…
In the chart interface of Kissflow reports, the Legend appears as a key within the chart area. It provides labels that explain the data displayed in the chart.…
Activity instance table
In Kissflow Analytics, the activity instance table is a system-generated table that displays the complete step history of each item across all processes in the Kissflow account.
Process instance table
The process instance table shows the current status of each item across all processes. This table provides insights into the progress and performance of processes within the account in Analytics.
Child table
In the analytics module, child tables are automatically created for process and board. They are named in the ProcessName-ChildTableName or BoardName-ChildTableName format.…