Pujha R
Enhanced Print Form With a New Look
The print form gets a face-lift. The new design is more compact, requires fewer pages, and is easier to consume. In the new layout, you will no longer have to worry about fields getting split across…
Product Tip: How to automatically add a new row in a spreadsheet in Google Sheets using Kissflow Integrations.
Watch this to understand how to auto-populate a Google Sheets spreadsheet using Integrations with the table values in a Kissflow form. https://www.loom.…
Let's Learn Integrations: Add users to a group
We're back with another video in our "Let's Learn Integrations" series. This quick video will teach us how to automatically add users to user groups in Kissflow using the User details connector in…
Product Tip: How to delete lists in Kissflow
Lists are single-column datasets whose data you can use in dropdowns, checklists, or checkbox/multi-select dropdown fields in your forms. You can find and view lists by searching their names using…
Let's Learn Integrations: Send an email
Welcome back to our "Let's Learn Integrations" series. This video will teach us how to use the Send an email action in Kissflow Integrations to automate the employee confirmation process.…
Product Tip: How to use the pick item feature in a workflow step in Kissflow
Watch this quick video to understand when and how to use the pick item feature in your workflow steps. https://www.loom.com/share/3cc8177f7c2e4ce99030cbf02cf69676 What are some other reasons why you…
Let's Learn Integrations: Create an item
We’re back with part 3 of our “Let’s Learn Integrations” series. Let’s see how to automatically create an item in your Kissflow Board using the Create an item action available in Integrations.…
Let's Learn Integrations: Upload files
Welcome back to the " Let's Learn Integrations " series. In the 2nd part of this series, we'll learn how to use the Upload files action in Kissflow Integrations to automatically upload documents from…
Product Tip: How to set deadlines for approval steps in a workflow while creating a Kissflow form.
Watch this video to understand how to set deadlines for workflow approval steps. https://www.loom.com/share/0cbdf47b57d3421fa0186bfaa5410691 Here's an example of setting up a dynamic formula:…
Let's Learn Integrations: Create a dataset record
Welcome to the first part of " Let’s Learn Integrations," the first module of the Kissflow Learning Series. This video will teach us how to use the Create a dataset record action.…
Kissflow Learning Series: Let's Learn Integrations
Welcome to the all-new Kissflow Learning Series, designed to help you learn more about the modules in Kissflow. Please tune in for our new lineup of videos,…
Product Tip: How to automatically approve an item when it crosses its deadline at a particular approval step in Kissflow
Here's a quick video explaining how you can automate the approval step in a workflow when the deadline for an item is breached. https://www.loom.com/share/cec1ef88e7144e0c969a3a1a5216bfe5 React to…