Pujha R
How to Convert Number Values to Text Values and Vice Versa in Kissflow Forms
Do you want to convert the number value to a text value and vice versa? You can achieve this with simple number and text expressions. Here's how it works: To convert a text value to a number value,…
How to Fetch Values From a Rating Field in a Number field in Kissflow Forms
Do you use the Rating field in your forms for rating purposes? Do you know there's an easy trick to fetch values from this field in a number field? Here's how it works: Create a Rating field.…
How to Reset Sequence Numbers in Kissflow Forms
Would you like to reset the sequence number field because a process item was submitted by mistake? Here's a quick and easy way to reset the sequence. Click More options > Settings > Sequence numbers…
Prevent Errors When Deactivating Users in Kissflow
Do you often encounter errors when deactivating a user from your Kissflow account? Some common issues include attempting to deactivate yourself, inactive users, or super admins.…
How to Map Process Instance IDs in Kissflow Process Reports
Do you want to include process instance IDs in your process reports? While it's not possible to directly retrieve the process instance ID in the report,…
Auto-Assign Approvers to a Process Workflow Step Using a Formula
Do you want to auto-assign approvers to a workflow approval step using formulae? Here's an easy tip using the IF function to assign approvers to a workflow using formulas automatically.…
Validate Expiry With Condition Logic in Kissflow Forms
Do you want to auto-populate membership expiries in your Kissflow forms? A simple condition logic using the IF function is all you need. How does it work?…
Introducing Page Setup in Kissflow Process Document Template
We've made some new updates to the Kissflow Process Document Template. The Page Setup feature brings a new level of customization, letting you tailor your templates precisely to your liking.…