Boards Category

Know how to manage work using Kissflow Boards
  • Boards overview

    • Dharsan_V_K
    • updated 10 mths ago
    • 459
  • Building a board

    • Dharsan_V_K
    • updated 7 mths ago
    • 328
  • Configuring a board form

    • Dharsan_V_K
    • updated 9 days ago
    • 168
    • 1
  • Notification events in boards

    • Dharsan_V_K
    • updated 3 mths ago
    • 36
  • Board notifications

    • Dharsan_V_K
    • updated 3 mths ago
    • 36
  • Creating a Kissflow Board with AI

    • Dharsan_V_K
    • updated 8 mths ago
    • 138