Product Tip: How can you activate users requesting to join your Kissflow account?
When external users request to join your Kissflow account, you will find the list of requests under the Join requests tab of the User management section.…
Product Tip: How to transfer ownership of your account in Kissflow
In Kissflow, only the current Account Owner can transfer ownership. Who is an Account Owner? The Account Owner is the person who created the Kissflow account.…
Product Tip: How to restrict external users from submitting new requests in Kissflow
Let's say your organization uses Kissflow Process to manage hiring. Since hiring involves receiving applications from external users, you can use the public form feature to host the process as an…
Product Tip: How to restrict the creation of new flows in Kissflow
At times, you may see users creating new flows in your account because the ability to create new flows is extended to all users by default in Kissflow. Account Owners and Super Admins can control who…
Product Tip: How to restrict new or external users from requesting access to join your Kissflow account
At times, you may get requests from external or new users requesting access to be part of your Kissflow account. Here’s how you can restrict them from joining.…
Product Tip: Why don't Super Admins have permission to view specific flows and reports?
Super Admins have access to all the flows and reports they create. However, they do not have default permission to access other flows or reports created by others.…
Product Tip: How to protect Employee management fields from being used or looked up by other flows in my Kissflow account
Organizations collect confidential information such as phone numbers and blood groups in Employee management in their Kissflow account. In my case, I don't want flows to look up phone numbers.…
Product Tip: How to automate an AMC renewal process for your organization using Kissflow
See how to automate an AMC renewal process for your organization using Kissflow What is AMC Renewal? AMC means renewal of annual maintenance contract or renewal of annual maintenance cost.…
Content aside
Category actions
- Pre-release notes
- Product announcements
- Product Tip: How can you activate users requesting to join your Kissflow account?
- Product Tip: How to transfer ownership of your account in Kissflow
- Product Tip: How to restrict external users from submitting new requests in Kissflow
- Product Tip: How to restrict the creation of new flows in Kissflow
- Product Tip: How to restrict new or external users from requesting access to join your Kissflow account
- Product Tip: Why don't Super Admins have permission to view specific flows and reports?
- Product Tip: How to protect Employee management fields from being used or looked up by other flows in my Kissflow account
- Product Tip: How to automate an AMC renewal process for your organization using Kissflow