Homepage overview

Your home page is your starting point after signing in to the platform. This page provides an at-a-glance summary of items, workflows, and other key information to help you stay organized and productive. Below is a detailed guide to the layout and features of the Home Page.

Key features on the home page

The top bar provides access to  global search, help icon, notifications and account profile.

Global search is located prominently at the top center, this feature allows you to search for anything across the product from items, workflows, or apps. You can search by item name, or keywords to quickly locate what you need.

Help icon

Found on the top-right corner, the help icon connects you to:

  • The help documentation for guidance on using the platform.
  • The Kissflow community, where you can interact with other users and share insights.

User profile

Click on your profile picture on the top-right corner to access:

  • My settings to customize your profile details and account preferences.
  • Themes to change the look and feel of the platform.
  • Sign out to log out of the platform.

Bell icon for notifications

The notification icon keeps you updated with alerts for:

  • Items assigned to you.

  • Workflow updates or due dates.

Items in your queue

This section lists all items across workflows and applications that is awaiting your action.

It provides the following details:

  • View the item name, the app or workflow it belongs to, who assigned it, and its current step or status.
  • Deadlines are indicated with clear visual markers.
  • Shows the count of items under the following filters along with the details for top few items:
    All items filter displays items in your queue.
    Items overdue filter shows items that are past their due dates.
    Items due today filter shows items requiring immediate attention.

Click View more to navigate to the My items page where you can view all the items, use advanced functionalities like workflow/app based filtering, or perform bulk actions.

Recently accessed

This section provides quick access to workflows or items you have interacted with recently. It helps you to create new items directly from your recent flows and to resume work without needing to search or navigate through the platform.


Items created by you

This section shows in progress items from workflows or apps you have initiated along with their count. Key features include:

  • Check the current status and step of each item you created.
  • Get an overview of who’s working on the items and their progress.
  • Click View more to expand to the My items page to look at all items and additional options and insights into items you’ve created.