My items

The My items page allows you to conveniently access all items you have created or been assigned to you for approval. This page will enable you to handle all of your items in one place without browsing the relevant process, board, app, etc.

Items are usually classified as Assigned to me and Created by me. You can find a list of all the items assigned to you across all processes, boards, and apps under the Assigned to me tab. Similarly, under the Created by me tab, you can find all of the items you've created across all processes, boards, and apps. Assume you are an Account Admin or a flow approver. In that case, a new tab named Admin actions will appear, under which you will see specific admin actions such as Item reassignment, Flow approvals, Admin assignment, and Join requests that require your attention.

You can find items assigned to you from multiple processes, boards, and apps using the navigation panel on this page. Items are sorted and listed based on how recently they were assigned to you. The most recently assigned items appear at the top. Click any item to open the associated process or board form. After making any changes, you can close the item to return to the Assigned to me page. You can also dive into specific items by applying filters based on the due date.

To list items based on their due dates, use one of the following criteria in the Due by field:

  • All - It lists all of the items assigned to you at any time.
  • Today - It lists all of the assigned items due that day.
  • Tomorrow - It lists all of the assigned items that are due the following day.
  • This week - It lists all of the assigned items that are due that week.
  • Overdue - It lists all of the assigned items that have passed their due dates.

All process, board, and app titles are listed in the left navigation panel of this page. The items are sorted and listed based on how recently you edited them. The most recently created items are displayed at the top. You can open the related process or board form by clicking on any specific item. 

You can also filter the items created by you based on the following statuses:

In progress - Items created by you in the In progress status will be listed here for all processes and boards.

Not started - Items created by you in the Draft status across processes, as well as all items in the Not started and Reopened statuses across various boards, will be listed here.

Completed - Items created by you in the Completed, Withdrawn, and Rejected statuses across processes, as well as all items in the Done and Closed statuses across different boards, will be listed here for the last 90 days.

Based on the status of your items, you will additionally have custom filters to choose from. Use one of the filters in the Created or Completed field to list items based on when they were created or completed:

  • All - It lists all of the items you create at any time.
  • Today - It lists all of the items you created or completed on the same day
  • Yesterday - It lists all the items you created or completed on the previous day.
  • This week - It lists all of the items you created or completed during the current week.
  • Past 7 days - It lists all of the items you created or completed during the past seven days.
  • Past 14 days - It lists all of the items you created or completed during the past 14 days.
  • Past 30 days - It lists all of the items you created or completed during the past 30 days.
  • This month - It lists all of the items you created or completed during the current month.
  • Custom date range - Select custom date range to see the items you created or completed inside a given date range.

Note:  Only items completed within the last 90 days will be listed in the completed field.

Admin actions are only visible when actions require the attention of Account Admins or flow approvers. If your account has several Account Admins or flow approvers, they will all see the same actions listed under their respective Admin actions page. When an Account Admin completes a specific action, it is automatically removed from the action list of other Account Admins.

 When you open Admin actions, you will find Item reassignment, Flow approvals, Admin assignment, and Join requests listed as navigation menus on this page.

Items that were previously assigned to deactivated or deleted users usually remain incomplete, with no one to act on them. These items are listed under the Item reassignment tab. Account Admins or Flow admins can reassign these pending items to active users in the account to complete them. The Flow Admin can assign individual items to specific users one at a time. The items belonging to the user that were recently deactivated or deleted are ranked first. 

  1. Click My items > Admin actions > Item reassignment.

  2. Select the process from the item reassignment list and click Reassign. A popup window opens up where the respective process and the item’s current step are shown. Select an active user from your Kissflow account and add notes before you click the Reassign button. The item is now assigned to the new user and moved out of the Item reassignment list.

All users in Kissflow can create processes, boards, and datasets by default. However, if you’ve selected Anyone after the approval of as your approval criterion under Flow settings, you’ll need to specify flow approvers. When new flow requests show up in your account, they’re listed here for all the specified Flow admins. Approvers can either Approve or Deny flow creation requests. 

Every process and board inside Kissflow must have at least one admin. If a certain admin gets deactivated or deleted from the account, that process or board loses its admin. You can then assign one or more admins to such processes and boards. 

  1. Click My items > Admin actions > Admin assignment.

  2. Select the process or board to which you want to assign an admin and then click Assign admin. Select a user from your Kissflow account and click Assign to make that user the admin.  

If you allow new signups under sign up preferences, users outside your Kissflow account can request to join your account using the unique join URL link. Once a new join request is received, Account Admins will be able to view this under Global My items > Admin actions > Join requests. You can either approve or deny these join requests from here. If the Account Admin approves an external user's join request, the user is added to and is made active in the Kissflow account. If no user licenses are available in your account, an error will be thrown when you try to activate that user, and they will still remain in a requested state.