Creating a process form
To create a process form inside your Application builder,
- Click Quick Create under the Process tab. Alternatively, Click Forms > Process forms > Create a process form.
- Enter the process name. Alternatively, You can add a description and category to help you organize and find your process later.
- Click Create.
Building a process form
After creating a process form, you'll land on the process form editor screen. The basic form, workflows, permissions, reports, roles, and settings are handled on the left side of the editor. The form appears in the center, and the basic and advanced fields are provided on the right side of your editor. You can either click within the form or drag-and-drop the fields onto the form directly. Once the form is set up, click Save to make it available inside the application.
Renaming and archiving a process
To rename your process form, click the More options button () on your process form. Click Rename. Change your form's name and description. Similarly, click the Archive button to archive a process form temporarily.
Customizing a process
Every process has a form, workflow, and permissions. As an application developer, open the process form and click the tabs with these names on the left navigation bar to access these properties.
Finding a process
The process forms gallery contains all the process forms you create. Use the search bar to find a specific process form quickly.
Process forms let you define the data necessary to move an item through your flow. Forms are used for workflows like processes and boards. They are made up of sections, fields, and tables.
Sections are groups of fields. They are useful in making the form easier for users to complete. Additionally, you can control all field permission settings as a group instead of individually.
The first section of a new form is called the Untitled section. To rename it, just click on the name. You can also add a description to help users. Click the Text formatting button to add rich text, including images and videos.
To add a new section, click Add section.
Click the Settings button() to change the visibility settings. The section will always be visible by default, but you can change it to hidden. You can make the section conditionally visible by clicking +Add a visibility rule. To add a condition, choose a Field, Operator, or Type, and map it to a value or a field based on the type. You can add multiple conditions.
To duplicate a section, click the Duplicate button (). A copy of the section will be created below.
Click the Up arrow () or Down arrow (
) to rearrange the sections.
Click the Delete button () to delete the entire section.
Fields are the building blocks of your form. They are the individual pieces of data you want to collect. Kissflow forms have 22 different types of fields to capture several kinds of data.
Click any field type to add it to the bottom of the current section you are working on. Or, you can drag-and-drop any field to the exact place in the form you want. You can also click the place in the form where you want to add a field, and a new one will pop up.
The form will look exactly like you create it here to a user. To rearrange fields, drag-and-drop them where you want them to go. You can move individual fields or an entire row of fields. Fields can be resized to any dimension you need. Drag to resize the width of the field. Rows can have up to six fields.
A table acts as a separate section and lets you collect unlimited similar data. To add a table, click Add Table. Click the Add button to add a new field. You can add as many fields as you want to a table.
You have the same options for tables as you do for sections. Additionally, in the table settings, you can set validations to control the minimum and maximum number of rows that must be completed.
1. What are the various soft limits in Kissflow Process forms?
Ans) To improve performance and ensure efficient use of resources, Kissflow has put up the following restrictions on each process form:
A maximum of 1000 fields per process form.
A default soft limit of 10 child tables in every process form.
A default soft limit of 100 columns per child table.
An upper limit of 5000 rows per child table.
An upper limit of 30 events per form (button fields not included).
2. Can I change field data types in a process form with more than 5000 items?
Ans) You cannot change field data types in a process form when there are more than 5000 records. This restriction is in place to prevent potential versioning issues when modifying data types for large forms. Changing data types for many values can lead to inconsistencies and performance problems.
3. Are there any field types in Kissflow Process forms that do not have soft limits?
Ans) Yes, certain field types in Kissflow Process forms are not subject to soft limits:
Rich text fields.
Grid fields.
Button fields (these have a separate soft limit of 100 buttons per process form, in addition to the default form limit).
Rich text and Grid fields are exempt from restrictions as they don't contain metadata.
4. What happens if I duplicate a section with increased limits?
Ans) If a process with increased limits is duplicated, the new process will inherit the same incremented limits.
5. Will I receive any warnings when approaching these limits?
Ans) Yes, warnings will appear when you are close to reaching the limits. For example, when you have 990 fields and 90 columns, you will receive warnings indicating that you are approaching the limit and suggesting that you request an extension if needed.