Form style in Apps

To modify the form's color, hover over the form's outline, specifically the empty space surrounding the editor. Click the gear icon available on the form’s outline, and the form properties panel will appear to your right.

The form properties panel displays the following style features:

  • Background color
    From the default theme color and 11 primary colors available in your Form editor, the Background color drop-down list offers the entire list of lighter and darker shade variations for you to select from for your form’s background.


Opting for a lighter shade is recommended to ensure compatibility with both light and dark themes.

  • Field color
    You can use this option to effortlessly modify the colors of all form fields with just a single click.

    Select a standard color for all the fields in your form from the 11 primary colors.

To customize the color for specific fields, return to the form editor, choose the desired field, and apply the color from the style tab in the field properties.

  • Table color
    Similar to field colors, you can alter the colors of all the tables in your form by choosing one of the 11 colors from the available options. 

  • Help text style
    You can choose to present the help text either as a text below the field or as a tooltip that appears when you hover over the icon.

    This setting applies at the form level. Adjusting it will impact the positioning of all fields and their associated help texts.

Displaying help text as an icon is not supported on mobile devices.