Group wall


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A group wall is an essential element in Closed groups for collaborating with external users and groups. External users can communicate with group members by following the group's wall, asking questions, submitting suggestions, and so on. Members can use the wall to engage in conversations and clarify questions raised by external users without exposing any chats or data within the group.

Sending messages to a wall

By default, every closed group has a wall. Closed group members can send messages to the wall by checking the Send to wall checkbox in the message field or by typing #wall in the message field before sending the message. A wall follower who is not a member of the closed group can ask questions or post messages on this wall. 

Following a wall

As a non-member of the closed group, you can follow a wall to be notified or to send messages to the wall. You can search for a group wall using the group name and find it by using the yellow chip labeled Wall beside it. Once found, you can follow it by clicking the Follow button. You will be notified whenever there are new messages on the wall. You may also unfollow a wall by clicking Unfollow in the top right corner of the wall page.

Managing wall messages

As a non-member of a closed group, you can add reactions to a wall message and start a message thread. Additionally, hover over a wall message and click the More options button () to perform the following functions:

  • Follow/unfollow a thread.
  • Forward a message.
  • Edit a message.
  • Copy a message.
  • Star a message.
  • Delete a message.