Product Tip: How to create dataset views
This video tutorial demonstrates how you can create dataset views and how it will help you while sharing dataset information with members of your organization. https://www.loom.…
Product Tip: How to capture the date and time automatically in a Kissflow process form
You may want to capture the date and time in a form without the user's input. To do so, create a field with Field type as Date & time. Toggle the 'Is this a computed field?…
Product Tip: What to do when you’re unable to view the form in a shared report in Kissflow process
As a Process admin, you can share a report and customize permissions for every member who has access to the report. By default, all the permissions are turned off for a member for security and…
Product Tip: How to add the Kissflow mobile app to your home screen in your iPhone
Here’s a small demonstration of how you can add your Kissflow mobile app to your home screen on your iPhone in less than a minute. Open the Safari app on your iPhone and type the desired URL.…
Introducing Simulating a Workflow in Kissflow
Hey , Simulating a workflow lets you do a mock initiation of your process workflow and check whether its path renders well as expected before publishing it live.…
Simulating a workflow
Simulating a workflow lets you do a mock initiation of your process workflow and check whether its path renders well as expected before publishing it live.…
Announcing a New Formula - Employee function
Hello, We have introduced a new function to use a specific employee-related field or a custom field from the Employee management table in your form using the Employee function.…
Announcing Kissflow Analytics Add-on
Hey We are thrilled to announce the release of the Kissflow Analytics add-on. Kissflow Analytics add-on enables you to optimize your existing business operations by measuring and analyzing any…
Product Tip: How to change my preferred language in my Kissflow account
You may want to change the default language in your Kissflow account. To do so, click on your Profile image -> My settings > Format settings > Language > Click Save.…
Dropbox connector
What is Dropbox? Dropbox offers cloud storage, file synchronization, and personal cloud solutions for everyone. About Kissflow's Dropbox integration Kissflow Integration's Dropbox connector allows…
Number and currency expressions
Number and currency expressions are similar. However, many functions, methods, and operators may not work when evaluating numbers and currencies together.…
Integrations overview
What is Kissflow Integration? Kissflow Integration is a powerful workflow automation tool that allows you to automate your business workflows by connecting all of your favorite Kissflow applications…
Directory sync overview
As a Super Admin, or an IAM Admin, you can navigate to your Identity provider settings under Account Administration > User provisioning > Directory sync to manage and perform other actions related…
Configuring Google Workspace directory sync
You can add users and synchronize user information from your third-party directory accounts to Kissflow using the Identity Provider feature under User Provisioning in Kissflow.…
Configuring Azure AD directory sync
As a Super Admin, or an IAM Admin, you can synchronize user and group information from your third-party directory accounts to Kissflow using the Identity Provider feature under User Provisioning in…
Slack connector
What is Slack? Slack is a team communication platform for instant messaging, document sharing and knowledge search for modern teams. Documents and messages are easily searchable,…
Product Tip: How to view the workflow steps in a process
You may want to view the workflow steps in a process. To do so, go to My items and you will see a list of all the items in your process in Draft, In progress, Participated, Completed, Withdrawn,…
Product Tip: How to get the instance id of each item in a Kissflow process
In order to get the instance id of an item, open the Process form and create a Text field by clicking on +Drag any field here or click to add a new field.…
Product Tip: How to select more than one option from a list in a Kissflow form
You may want to select more than one option from the list. In such cases, open the Form and select Checkbox / Multi-select. Under Show field as, you can choose if you want the field to be a dropbox…
Product Tip: How to share a process report to a user in Kissflow
You may want to share or grant report access to a user or a group. To do so, click on the Reports button. You will find all the available reports. Click on the More actions button of the report that…
Subscription and billing
Managing subscription Super Admins and Billing Admins can access an account’s subscription details by clicking Account administration > Subscription & billing.…
Announcing Google Drive Connector for Kissflow Integration
Hey , We are excited to share that Google Drive Connector for Kissflow Integration is live. The Google Drive connector of Kissflow Integration enables you to connect and synchronize your Google Drive…
Product Tip: How to move the status of an item to completed in a Kissflow process
In order to move the status of an item to completed, you need to be a process Admin. To view your process administration, click the More button and then click on Process Administration.…
Product Tip: How to change the currency type in the currency field in Kissflow
You can follow the following steps to change the currency in the currency field. Go to Currency Field, scroll down, and you will see a label called Accepted Currencies.…
Product Tip: How to edit a Kissflow process item after you have submitted it
You may want to edit the form after you submit it, or you may want to edit it after it has completed all the workflow steps. The Process Admin can edit a process form when it’s in progress or even…