Product FAQs
General What is Kissflow Work Platform? Kissflow Work Platform gives you all the tools you need to embark on an enterprise-wide digital transformation journey.…
Ensuring smooth access to Kissflow [Troubleshooting tip]
If you are unable to access Kissflow, you might want to ensure that you have whitelisted the Kissflow domains and that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) isn't blocking the Amazon or Google servers.…
FAQ - Connected processes
1. Why am I not able to see the process I want to connect to? You can see only the processes where you have admin access. 2. Why can't I initiate dependent items for all the table entries in my…
FAQ - Connected boards
Why am I not able to unlock a source item? Only the board admins can unlock a source item. Why am I not able to see the board I want to connect to? You can see only the boards where you have admin…
Public forms
Anyone without a Kissflow account can initiate a workflow in Kissflow with the help of a public form. By activating this setting, you let the users outside your organization submit their input to…
Transition guide - Kissflow Work Platform
The new Kissflow Work Platform's interface matches the vibrant colors in Kissflow—the new sleek, user-friendly, and contemporary design promises to enrich your digital work experience.…
Analytics FAQs
General Can I bring in data from external sources into Kissflow Analytics? Kissflow Analytics can only be used to create reports and analyze data that already exist in your Kissflow account.…
Email actions
Overview When an item is assigned to a process member or admin, they receive an email informing them about the item, after which they log into Kissflow and act on it, that is, approve or reject it.…
Troubleshooting guide - common issues and solutions
This troubleshooting guide provides solutions to common problems encountered by Kissflow users. Let's take a closer look at them. General When you try to access a Kissflow application,…
Multi-language support in Kissflow
Kissflow is available in the following 14 languages: English Italian (Italiano) Korean (한국어) Japanese (日本語) Simplified Chinese (简体中文) Russian (Русский) German (Deutsch) Spanish (Español) French…
Chat and Space FAQs
How to create an instant group? To create an instant group, go to the Chat tab on the left navigation panel > click the Create a chat button (). Enter the names or email addresses of the users with…
Boards FAQs
Can I handle multiple use cases, such as issue tracking, help desk, and service requests using Kissflow Board? Absolutely. Kissflow Board helps you build workflows to manage use cases such as…
SLAs and support models
Our support model Our primary support communication is through the Kissflow Community, which can be accessed through the product by clicking on the (?) next to the profile picture or by visiting…