Enhanced notifications in Kissflow
We've got some exciting updates in the pipeline that will make your experience with Kissflow notifications even better. These changes will provide you with more control over your notifications and…
Process notifications
You can create and customize notifications to stay informed about important updates or ensure timely communication within your team. You can also select the notification channels (email, web app,…
Viewing notifications
You can find all of your notifications by clicking the bell icon ( ) in the upper-right corner of the screen. From this pop-up, you can scroll through all of your notifications sorted by the most…
User notification settings
The Notification settings section allows users to customize account notification preferences according to their communication needs. Global notifications Click your profile picture > My settings >…
Admin notification settings
Admin notification settings The Notification settings section allows Super Admins to customize account notification preferences according to their communication needs.…
Notification events in processes
Item notifications The item notifications listed below are predefined by the system, based on which you can create new custom notifications and configure trigger conditions, recipients,…
Notification events in boards
Item notifications The item notifications listed below are predefined by the system, based on which you can create new custom notifications and configure trigger conditions, recipients,…
Board notifications
You can create and customize notifications to stay informed about important updates or ensure timely communication within your team. You can also select the notification channels (email, web app,…
Notifications in apps
You can create and customize notifications in the development environment of an app to stay informed about important updates or ensure timely communication within your team.…
Notification events in apps
Item notifications The item notifications listed below are predefined by the system, based on which you can create new custom notifications and configure trigger conditions, recipients, content,…
Bot settings
Receiving Kissflow notifications inside your organization’s chat application is easier with the Kissflow Bot. Super Admins can enable the Kissflow bot for specific applications by navigating to…