Viewing notifications
You can find all of your notifications by clicking the bell icon ( ) in the upper-right corner of the screen. From this pop-up, you can scroll through all of your notifications sorted by the most…
Android devices
If you are using an Android device, you can either use your browser to access your Kissflow account or use it as a Progressive Web App. Using a mobile browser Use your preferred mobile browser to…
Kissflow user details connector
User details connector User details by Kissflow lets you fetch specific attributes of users in your Kissflow account. The details can be of any user in the account or of specific users referenced in…
Control connector
Control Control connector supports two different actions called Condition and Iteration. Actions for control connector Action Description Condition Set up a condition in your workflow form based on…
FreshBooks connector
What is FreshBooks? FreshBooks is an accounting software designed primarily for self-employed professionals and their teams. It lets you send invoices, track expenses, and collaborate on projects.…
Basic and advanced fields
We have classified the fields into two primary categories - All fields and AI-suggested fields for your easy understanding. The All fields tab is further organized into sub-categories such as:…
Best practices for simultaneous tasks
There are times in a workflow when you want multiple assignees to act on a step at the same time. There are two ways to do this in Kissflow. Parallel branches Parallel branches create separate…
Text, Text area, Email, and Rich text fields
We will learn how to create, and manage text-based fields in your flow form in this article. If you are unsure about what a field is, and how to add a field to a form,…
Flow settings
Super Admins and IAM Admins can control who can create new flows in Kissflow. All flows, including process, channel, case, project, teams, dataset, chat, and integration, will be enabled by default.…
Setting up SCIM with Okta
Kissflow supports automatic user provisioning with System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) standard. Okta’s SCIM-based user provisioning for Kissflow supports the following features:…
Setting up SCIM with OneLogin
Super Admins, and IAM Admins have the ability to manage SCIM-based user provisioning with OneLogin. Start by turning on SCIM in Kissflow: Navigate to Account administration > User provisioning and…
Setting up SCIM with Azure Active Directory
User provisioning through SCIM 2.0 is only available through the hosted AD version called Azure Active Directory (AD). Super Admins, and IAM Admins can set up SCIM-based user sync for Azure AD.…
Two-factor authentication
Two-factor authentication (2FA) provides an additional layer of security to your Kissflow account by requiring more than just a password to sign in. Once enabled for your account,…
Changing the background theme
You can change the theme of your account to Light, Dark, or Dim mode from the Themes section. Click your profile picture on the upper right corner of the page > Themes.…
Apps FAQs
What programming languages can I use to create Kissflow Apps? Kissflow Apps is not focused on a single programming language; nevertheless, our Software Development Kit (SDK) is designed for…
Apps SDK reference
The Kissflow SDK gives application developers the tools they need to build features and solutions on top of the Kissflow Apps platform. This SDK will come in handy if you wish to:…
File upload settings
As a Super Admin, or an IAM Admin of your Kissflow account, you can choose which file attachment services all account users can use to upload files to Kissflow.…
Account security
Super Admins and IAM Admins have complete control over the sign in page customization and custom sign-up URL associated with your organization’s domain.…
ActiveCampaign connector
What is ActiveCampaign? ActiveCampaign is a customer experience automation (CXA) software that assists organizations in better engaging their customers.…
Format settings
As a Super Admin, you can control your account’s default settings that impact how data is formatted and displayed. Account timezone Your organization's timezone is considered when you configure a…
Lookup field
The lookup field is used to access data from your datasets in order to autopopulate information into your form. As an example, let’s say you are filling out a purchase order for a regular vendor.…
Image, Attachment, Smart attachment, and Signature fields
There are three types of fields that can store data as files: Attachment Image Signature Attachment field The attachment field allows you to upload many types of files to the form.…
Configuring Snowflake for Kissflow connector for BI
Getting started For provisioning Kissflow connector for BI to your account, contact our customer success or partner team. As an Account Owner, you will receive a welcome email as soon as our team…
Enabling Kissflow connector for BI
What is Kissflow connector for BI? Kissflow connector for BI enables you to optimize your existing business operations by measuring and analyzing any qualitative and quantitative Kissflow data saved…