Security settings and access control

To update your dataset's security settings, open the particular dataset and click Manage > Security

Here you can access the following settings:

Security settings

Dataset Admins can share datasets with other processes, boards, specific apps, and portals through the Security settings page. To share a dataset with an app, ensure that app access is granted for the dataset.

To update your dataset's security settings, click  Manage > Security > Security settings. On the right, you'll find options to configure field permissions for exposing data to the Lookup artifact in Kissflow flows.

Global permission

Global permission defines the access rule that applies to the fields in your dataset across all flows. By default, the All Fields permission is enabled for the Lookup artifact. 

If needed, you can disable this permission for a more restrictive control and grant permission to lookup only specific fields. 

  1. Expand the All fields section and select Lookup specific fields.

  2. In the popup, choose the fields you want to expose to your flows.

  3. Click Done

Customized permission

Customized permissions provide granular control over dataset access for specific flows. Dataset Admins can set exclusive access rules, overriding global permissions. 

  1. Click + Add a customized permission.

  2. In the popup, navigate through the tabs and select the flows.

  3. Click Done. The selected flow will now appear on the settings page, where you can choose to grant the flow access to either all fields or specific fields.

If no customized permission is set for a flow, it follows the global permission settings.

To remove customized permissions for a specific flow:

  1. Click the Remove customized permission button next to the flow.

  2. Check for any lookup dependencies before confirming the deletion.

Grant app access

To refer to a dataset within apps and use it in the app’s flows, Dataset Admins can sync fields and configuration data to apps using this setting. By turning on the toggle button (), a blank copy of the dataset, along with its fields and configurations, will be available inside apps. 

Once activated, this action is irreversible. 

All datasets with granted app access permission will be available on the Explore page of the development environment.

App users can auto-populate sample dataset records and simulate the app’s behavior in a realistic dev setting. Records can be auto-generated using our advanced AI, or you can choose to import data from a CSV file.

By default, once you activate the Grant app access permission, all apps will have access to the dataset. However, to restrict access to specific apps, navigate to Security settings and click Add a customized permission. Then go to the Apps tab and select the apps you wish to grant access to the dataset.

Lists in datasets

Any list associated with the shared dataset will automatically appear as a valid data source for specific field types. Unlike datasets, the original list’s data used in certain dataset fields will also sync to the dev environment, for accurate testing. 


In the development environment, though you can create new lists, modifying the values of the original list, associated with the dataset shared from the production environment, is not possible.

Access controls

Dataset admins can allow or restrict users' permissions, which can impact their ability to print forms, download attachments, or impersonate datasets.

Download permissions

To decide who can download attachments from this dataset, you can toggle between two options: Anyone and Only Admins.

Print permissions

Setting print permissions for Anyone allows any user to print attachments from a dataset. Choosing only admins restricts print permissions to dataset admins.


Using impersonation, you can act on behalf of a user or an item inside your Kissflow account. It applies to the dataset and all its associated views. Learn more about impersonating a user.