Creating a decision table
Inside apps In the left panel of the editing environment, click the Create button (), enter the name and description (optional), and click Create. Renaming a decision table To rename your decision…
Creating conditions and results
Creating a condition To evaluate input values, it is necessary to create conditions. Click the Add button (+) beside Conditions to create a condition and enter the standard details.…
Importing data from a CSV
Admins and members can import condition and result values from a CSV into a decision table. To import, Click the Import CSV button in the top right corner.…
Evaluation settings
You can configure the logical operation to be performed between the condition values of a row while evaluating. Additionally, you can also determine the method or scope by which your decision table…
Testing a decision table
The test functionality of a decision table enables you to verify and ensure that it accurately evaluates all conditions and returns the corresponding results as expected.…
Managing external data objects in production
Upon deploying an app with external data objects used in its lookup fields and integration, you’ll have to connect or reconnect the connection again in production to ensure that it functions…
Configuring an external data object
External data object refers to the Kissflow artifact that enables users to consume data from external platforms through external data connections. Creating an external data object To consume data…
Coming Soon: An enhanced App Builder with streamlined workflow and an advanced user interface
Kissflow's App Builder is being redesigned and updated to offer a more user-friendly and intuitive interface, enhancing your experience. Here's a preview of the upcoming changes.…
Launching Kissflow Apps
Creating Kissflow Apps Every Kissflow Enterprise account will have two environments to build and deploy apps to live. Development environment - You'll have an app builder to create your app from…
Boards Views in Apps 🎉🎉
Do you use boards within Apps? If so, things just got better. You can now create views in your boards within Apps. Board views let you display a subset of your board data to have better context while…
App environments
Managing the application lifecycle using environments Kissflow's application lifecycle is an agile process of building applications in the development environment,…
App versioning
Understanding app versioning Versioning your app allows you to easily add or update functionality without affecting existing users. By default, when you build and deploy your app within the App…
Introduction to Kissflow Apps
What is a Kissflow App? Kissflow Apps uses a low-code app development approach that requires little to no coding in order to create applications. It uses visual tools and custom scripting to develop…
Apps FAQs
What programming languages can I use to create Kissflow Apps? Kissflow Apps is not focused on a single programming language; nevertheless, our Software Development Kit (SDK) is designed for…
Apps SDK reference
The Kissflow SDK gives application developers the tools they need to build features and solutions on top of the Kissflow Apps platform. This SDK will come in handy if you wish to:…