Guided autofill for smart attachments


Guided autofill is an extension to smart attachments allowing you to add customized instructions to specific form fields, enabling greater accuracy and control over form autofill.


Navigating to autofill instructions

Click the smart attachment field and on the right panel, under Autofill instructions, click Configure to start adding instructions.


Writing autofill instructions to form fields

Follow these steps after clicking Configure, to add instructions to selected fields to guide the autofill process:

1. Click Add instructions.

2. Select a field from the dropdown list that you want add autofill instructions to.

3. Specify What is the data to be extracted from the uploaded document.

4. For Text area fields alone there is an additional field to specify How to structure the data (e.g., as bullet points or as a numbered list).

5. Click Preview, to check the output against the instructions fed and once you are satisfied with the results, click Save.

The configured field will now be autofill based on these instructions. All  fields that were configured for guided autofill will be visible in the final screen as shown below, click Done to close the autofill window.



While writing instructions to AI, refer only to data in the uploaded document, do not refer to values in other fields.

Fields that have been configured for guided autofill can be identified easily, as they will hold the guided autofill icon as shown below.


Text area field alone can take an additional instruction on How to structure the data

Editing and deleting autofill instructions

There are two ways to edit or delete autofill instructions from a particular field:

1. Click the Smart attachment field and under the Autofill instructions section click Configure as shown below.


2. Alternatively, you can edit or delete the instructions by directly selecting the instructed form field as shown below.

Form fields that support autofill instructions

This table shows form fields that support autofill instructions:

Field category                                                                   

Supported fields


All fields except, user and yes/no fields

Data lookup


File and media





Checklist and rating fields

Using guided autofill in tables

Filtering and sorting functionality

When you want to instruct AI to filter or sort a table in the document before autofilling the form table, you must select the table name in the Select field dropdown.


Do not select specific columns from the dropdown for these instructions.

Filling out a specific column of a form table

To fill a specific column, for example, you want to instruct the AI to calculate a 10% discount based on the price mentioned in the document, select the specific table column as shown in the gif below.


Computed fields cannot be configured for autofill instructions.

Form fields with already existing autofill instructions

Suppose a field is already configured with autofill instructions, you need to first delete them to create a new one.

For example, say there are two smart attachment fields, Invoice_document and Delivery_note and you have already added instructions to a form field named, Invoice_number using smart attachment field Invoice_document

Now you cannot add instructions to the same field Invoice_number from another smart attachment Delivery_note say for the need to append the delivery number, this is because it already has an active instruction from smart attachment field Invoice_document.



1. Can I add multiple instructions to the same field?
No, a single field can only have one set of instructions.

2. What happens when there are multiple smart attachment fields?
Autofill instructions are specific to the selected smart attachment field and its uploaded document. You cannot add autofill instruction to the same field using multiple smart attachment fields.