User field

You can display a set of usernames as a dropdown with the help of the User field. The difference between a normal dropdown and a User field is, you will be able to display only usernames with the User field whereas you can display only static texts using a Dropdown.


You can let the user(who will use the form in the future) select multiple users from the list by enabling the Allow multiple users to be selected option in the Field properties window of the User field.  

If you select Automatically select the first value based on the filter(s), then based on the filters configured, the first value in the User management table will be automatically selected and displayed in the field.

You can select the source of user data for a particular user field. The source can be the user management table or the employee management table.

The employee management table can have custom fields created by the user, which you can use in user expressions.


If a particular custom field inside the employee management table is marked as 'Protected,' it cannot be called using any user expression.


The User field displays all of your organization's users by default. However, you can apply a filter if you want to limit the users shown in the user field. You can filter by system fields like Name, External ID, Email address, Groups, etc., or by custom fields. Filters can be configured to match all conditions (Match ALL) or only one of the conditions (Match ANY). 

Once you've selected Groups, all groups under group management will be shown, and you can choose several groups if necessary.


The filter based on that group is also removed if a group is deleted. 


There are two types of validations you can use with a User field:

  • Equal to 
  • Not equal to


1. What are the various soft limits in Kissflow forms?

Ans) To improve performance and ensure efficient use of resources, Kissflow has put up the following restrictions on each form:

  • A maximum of 1000 fields per form.

  • A default soft limit of 10 child tables in every form.

  • A default soft limit of 100 columns per child table.

  • An upper limit of 5000 rows per child table.

  • An upper limit of 30 events per form (button fields not included).

2. Can I change field data types in a form with more than 5000 items?

Ans) You cannot change field data types in a form when there are more than 5000 records. This restriction is in place to prevent potential versioning issues when modifying data types for large forms. Changing data types for many values can lead to inconsistencies and performance problems.

3. Are there any field types in Kissflow forms that do not have soft limits?

Ans) Yes, certain field types in Kissflow forms are not subject to soft limits:

  • Rich text fields.

  • Grid fields.

  • Button fields (these have a separate soft limit of 100 buttons per form, in addition to the default form limit).

Rich text and Grid fields are exempt from restrictions as they don't contain metadata.

4. What happens if I duplicate a section with increased limits?

Ans) If a flow with increased limits is duplicated, the new flow will inherit the same incremented limits.

5. Will I receive any warnings when approaching these limits?

Ans) Yes, warnings will appear when you are close to reaching the limits. For example, when you have 990 fields and 90 columns, you will receive warnings indicating that you are approaching the limit and suggesting that you request an extension if needed.