Text, Text area, Email, and Rich text fields

We will learn how to create, and manage text-based fields in your flow form in this article. If you are unsure about what a field is, and how to add a field to a form, this article might come in handy. You can learn the basics and come back here to understand how text-based fields work.

Text field

A Text field can be used to store a single line of text. You can key in letters, symbols, numbers, and special characters to the text field.


See all the text expressions you can use as a part of a formula. 


There are 13 types of validations you can use for a text field. Learn more about all the validations

Text area field

A Text area field is generally used to store multiple lines of text. You can key in letters, symbols, numbers, and special characters to the text area field.


The formatting options - Bold, Italics, Hyperlink, Subscript, and Superscript are supported in the Text area field. Select a piece of text and click to remove the formatting that's applied already.


You cannot use any expressions or formulas on Text area fields. 


There are 4 types of validations you can use with a Text area field: 

  • Contains
  • Does not contain
  • Max length
  • Min length

Email field

The Email field lets you collect valid email addresses. This field requires a โ€œ@โ€ and โ€œ.โ€ from the user to be considered valid. 


You cannot use any expressions or formulas with email fields. 


There are 8 types of validations you can use for an email field.

Rich text field

The Rich text field is a widget that allows you to format and style your static text, add images and videos to any area of a Kissflow form, Forum posts, Feeds, Integration email actions, and so on.


To start a new paragraph in the rich text editor, click Enter or Return. Click and hold Shift, then Enter or Return to insert a line break without starting a new paragraph.


There are two different ways in which text can be formatted and style applied inside a rich text field:

  1. Type a text and select the content piece to view the rich text editor in the horizontal view.


  2. Click '/' to view rich text editor commands in vertical view.


There are multiple formatting and styling options available to use. Below you can find the list:

  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Underline
  • Strikethrough
  • Text color
  • Alignment
    • Left align
    • Right align
    • Center align
    • Justify
  • Paragraph
  • H1 and H2 headings
  • Add a link
  • Bulleted list
  • Numbered list
  • Blockquote
  • Code snippet
  • Subscript
  • Superscript
  • Add an image
  • Add a video
  • Clear formatting

Where can I use the rich text editor?

  • Process form - advanced field
  • Case system form - advanced field
  • Case notes
  • Organizational posts
  • Teams' feeds and forums
  • Integration action email body

There are no validations or expressions for the Rich text field.


1. What are the various soft limits in Kissflow forms?

Ans) To improve performance and ensure efficient use of resources, Kissflow has put up the following restrictions on each form:

  • A maximum of 1000 fields per form.

  • A default soft limit of 10 child tables in every form.

  • A default soft limit of 100 columns per child table.

  • An upper limit of 5000 rows per child table.

  • An upper limit of 30 events per form (button fields not included).

2. Can I change field data types in a form with more than 5000 items?

Ans) You cannot change field data types in a form when there are more than 5000 records. This restriction is in place to prevent potential versioning issues when modifying data types for large forms. Changing data types for many values can lead to inconsistencies and performance problems.

3. Are there any field types in Kissflow forms that do not have soft limits?

Ans) Yes, certain field types in Kissflow forms are not subject to soft limits:

  • Rich text fields.

  • Grid fields.

  • Button fields (these have a separate soft limit of 100 buttons per form, in addition to the default form limit).

Rich text and Grid fields are exempt from restrictions as they don't contain metadata.

4. What happens if I duplicate a section with increased limits?

Ans) If a flow with increased limits is duplicated, the new flow will inherit the same incremented limits.

5. Will I receive any warnings when approaching these limits?

Ans) Yes, warnings will appear when you are close to reaching the limits. For example, when you have 990 fields and 90 columns, you will receive warnings indicating that you are approaching the limit and suggesting that you request an extension if needed.