Product Tip: How to find the number of hours or days between two dates in a Kissflow form
You want to find the number of hours or days between two dates. To do so, use the following formulas: For hours, datediff(time_started, time_finished,"HOUR") For days, datediff(time_started,…
Date expressions
Date and datetime expressions are very similar, but they cannot be mixed. Timezones and format settings for date fields are set at the account or user level.…
Using remote lookup field to get currency exchange rate
The remote lookup field is a great way to get data from external systems into your form. Using JSON for a currency exchange rate Let’s look at a common use case of getting a current currency…
Introducing Kissflow's Multilingual Forms!
Hello Kissflow Champions, We're thrilled to introduce a game-changing addition to Kissflow – Multilingual Forms! Form creators can seamlessly display their forms in multiple languages by adding…
Creating and administering a list
You can create a list when you add a dropdown field, a checklist, or a multi-select field to your form. Navigate to your Form editor and choose a field type (i.e. Dropdown, Checklist, etc.…
AI-suggested fields
AI-suggested fields are form fields generated using Artificial Intelligence (AI), a technology that processes and infers large data through Machine Learning (ML).…
Introducing AI-Suggested Workflows and Steps
Hello Kissflow Community! We're thrilled to unveil another exciting AI feature in Kissflow processes. Expanding on the functionality of AI-suggested fields,…
Introducing Decimal Places in Aggregation Fields.
We're excited to announce our latest feature update: Decimal Places in Aggregation Fields. This allows you to set decimal places in aggregation fields, just like you can with number and currency…
Product Tip: How to use the geolocation field in Kissflow
In this video, we’ll explain how you can use the geolocation field in Kissflow Process https://www.loom.com/share/a2f7f52f9b2446b4b00c10a023d69b03 If you have any questions about using this feature,…
Date and Date time field
The format of both the Date and Date & Time fields is based on the locale set up by the user. If nothing is set, then the account locale settings will be used.…
Product Tip: Differences between Dropdown, Multi-select dropdown, Checkbox, Checklist, and Radio button fields in Kissflow forms
Here’s a simple guide to Dropdown, Multi-select dropdown, Checkbox, Checklist, and Radio button fields in Kissflow forms. You can read more about these fields here.
Process live forms
You can view a process form when you open a process item. A process form has a common navigation strip at the right end, where you can switch between the Details and Comments tabs.…
Currency field
The Currency field works like the Number field, but it has a currency symbol before the value. Settings You can configure the number of decimal places that are shown.…
Field settings
You can select the field in the editor, access its settings by clicking the Gear icon () or modify its settings directly from the Field properties panel.…
Introducing “Not in the future” Validation in Date, Date and Time Fields
Hello, Introducing one of the most asked features - Not in the future validation in Date, Date and Time Fields. With this new feature, you can ensure that the date entered is either today or in the…
Aggregation field
The aggregation field can pull together data from many different fields. Settings Aggregating table data Aggregation fields can show relationships between multiple entries in a table.…
Field validations
You can validate a field against a certain set of conditions so that the form can only be submitted if the conditions are met. Hover a field in your form editor and click the grey tick icon () to…
Selecting a data source for dropdown, multi-select dropdown, checkbox, and radio fields
Dropdown, multi-select dropdown, checkbox, and radio fields within a normal process or board form are populated using the following data sources: datasets and lists.…
Coming Soon in Kissflow: Multi-Lingual Forms
We are excited to announce that we have started working on the multi-lingual forms feature that will allow you to display field labels in your preferred language.…
List overview
What is a list? A list is a single-column dataset. Forms in your flows can use the list data in dropdowns, checklists, or checkbox/multi-select fields. Common list examples Department. Leave type.…
Introducing Radio Button Field in Kissflow
We are excited to announce the addition of the Radio button field in Kissflow. The Radio button field allows users to select one option from a list of options,…
Dropdown, Multi-select dropdown, Checkbox, Checklists, and Radio buttons
Dropdown field The dropdown field allows users to select one option from a set of values in the form, sourced either from a list or a dataset field. Settings You can load the dropdown from a static…
Workaround Article: How to customize the number and currency format in Kissflow
For long numbers, different symbols are used to group thousands and other denominations. The symbols used differ from region to region. Some countries use a comma (,), while others use a period (.).…
Scanner field
The Scanner field is an advanced form field that allows you to scan and fetch barcodes and Quick Response (QR) codes. You can use it in process forms, board forms, and data forms within apps.…
Introducing Scanner Field in Kissflow
The Scanner field is an advanced form field that allows you to scan and fetch barcodes and Quick Response (QR) codes. You can enable barcode/QR code in your web and mobile applications.…