Editing a process form after you submit it


As a user, once you submit a process form, you can’t edit the values of the fields anymore. However, here are some other options you can explore:

Withdraw the item

This option works if you were the one who started the item.

Go to My items and find the section called In progress. This will show you a list of all the items you started. Click the item you want to change. At the bottom, click Withdraw.



The process's Flow Admin can disable user withdrawal at certain steps. If you don't see the option to withdraw, contact your Flow Admin. 

An email notification will be sent to you and anyone who has acted on this item, including the current approver. 

After withdrawing the item, you can start a fresh request. You can only withdraw items you initiated. If someone else started the item and you want to edit your responses, you'll have to use another option.

Ask the next person to send it back

You can find out who the next person in the workflow is by checking the progress bar for the item. Send a note to that person and ask him/her to send the item back to your step. After they do it, the item should appear in your My tasks queue. 

Flow Admins can also disable the Send back button, so it may not be an option.  



Ask a Flow Admin to make the change

A Flow Admin can edit any form from the Process administration screen. Contact your Flow Admin and ask for the change.