Manju Lekha Singaram

Manju Lekha Singaram

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  • 2
Joined: Wed Aug 09 10:34:09 UTC 2023

My Posts

Latest Posts
  • Sharing data across apps using component referencing

  • Improved update trigger for dataset integration

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 4 mths ago
    • 100
    • 2
  • Connecting to Kissflow Dataform

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 1 mth ago
    • 6replies
    • 303
  • Section and table style

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • 7 mths ago
    • 116
    • 2
  • Form style in Apps

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 7 mths ago
    • 91
    • 2
  • An enhanced form-building experience: Major updates are coming by December!

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 7 mths ago
    • 2replies
    • 462
    • 9
  • Removal of field size in Field appearance settings from the Process’ Permissions tab

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • 10 mths ago
    • 7replies
    • 186
    • 2
  • Multilingual settings in forms

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 3 mths ago
    • 1reply
    • 416
    • 1
  • Dataset and views overview

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 3 mths ago
    • 356
  • Process live forms

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 5 mths ago
    • 196
    • 1
  • Creating a form

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 3 days ago
    • 7replies
    • 1070
    • 5
  • Sheet view in data forms

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 3 wk ago
    • 153
    • 1
  • Types of apps in Kissflow App Store

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 10 mths ago
    • 85
  • Accessing Kissflow App Store

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 10 mths ago
    • 80
  • Using Kissflow App Store

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 10 mths ago
    • 50
  • Introduction to Kissflow App Store

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 10 mths ago
    • 128
  • Exporting data from a data table view

  • Managing dataform roles

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 3 wk ago
    • 125
    • 1
  • Data form settings

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 3 wk ago
    • 126
    • 1
  • Public form

  • Importing data from CSV file

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 3 wk ago
    • 173
  • Data table view

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 3 wk ago
    • 259
  • Gallery view

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 3 wk ago
    • 94
  • Reserved Keywords

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 10 mths ago
    • 142
    • 1
  • Kissflow Dataform

    • Manju_Lekha_Singaram
    • updated 3 wk ago
    • 141
    • 1