Manju Lekha Singaram
Duplicating and deleting a dataset
Duplicating a dataset If your business requirements are in such a way that you cannot use an existing dataset as is but need a slightly modified version of it,…
Creating a dataset
You can create a dataset in two ways, from scratch or by installing a dataset template as per your business requirements. Click +Create from the left navigation and select Dataset.…
List overview
What is a list? A list is a single-column dataset. Forms in your flows can use the list data in dropdowns, checklists, or checkbox/multi-select fields. Common list examples Department. Leave type.…
Managing filters
A filter helps you to view a confined set of data matching certain conditions. With advanced filters, you can filter contextually on a few attributes like user and time thereby giving more depth to…
Dropdown, Multi-select dropdown, Checkbox, Checklists, and Radio buttons
Dropdown field The dropdown field allows users to select one option from a set of values in the form, sourced either from a list or a dataset field. Settings You can load the dropdown from a static…
Scanner field
The Scanner field is an advanced form field that allows you to scan and fetch barcodes and Quick Response (QR) codes. You can use it in process forms, board forms, and data forms within apps.…
Types of apps in Kissflow App Store
You can broadly categorize Kissflow App Store applications as: Installable apps Provisional apps Once installed, all apps get deployed to your live account by default.…
Accessing Kissflow App Store
Kissflow App Store contains a variety of applications tailored to the needs of the user. Applications featured in the App Store can be installed directly, purchased, or requested.…
Using Kissflow App Store
Installing an app You install an app from the Kissflow App Store and start using it in your live account. Note: Only Super Admins can install an app. To install an app,…
Introduction to Kissflow App Store
Kissflow App Store is a dedicated place that hosts a wide array of applications that cater to different business use cases. Unlike the process and board templates in Kissflow’s template gallery,…
User field
You can display a set of usernames as a dropdown with the help of the User field. The difference between a normal dropdown and a User field is, you will be able to display only usernames with the…
Geolocation field
The Geolocation field lets you record the location of the users, with their consent. You can view the recorded location in a Google Maps view embedded into the form.…
Reserved Keywords
Reserved keywords are terms or phrases appropriated for special use that may not be used in the creation of variable names, i.e., these words or phrases cannot be used to name processes,…
Basic and advanced fields
We have classified the fields into two primary categories - All fields and AI-suggested fields for your easy understanding. The All fields tab is further organized into sub-categories such as:…
Text, Text area, Email, and Rich text fields
We will learn how to create, and manage text-based fields in your flow form in this article. If you are unsure about what a field is, and how to add a field to a form,…
Sequence number
You can use the Sequence number field when you want to add a recurring serial or sequence number to each item in your process as well as in your data form.…
Lookup field
The lookup field is used to access data from your datasets in order to autopopulate information into your form. As an example, let’s say you are filling out a purchase order for a regular vendor.…
Image, Attachment, Smart attachment, and Signature fields
There are three types of fields that can store data as files: Attachment Image Signature Attachment field The attachment field allows you to upload many types of files to the form.…
Text expressions
Text expressions can be used with text fields. Text area fields cannot use expressions. Kissflow will sometimes refer to a sequence of characters in an expression as a string.…
User expressions
User fields point back to a particular user in your system. Data about that user is pulled from the user management table. Fields Any user field that you created on your form can be a part of an…
Modifying fields in a dataset
Adding a field Click the plus icon on the header to add a new field. Choose a field type and name the field. Under settings, you can mark fields required and set a default value and help text.…
Field appearance
The appearance of a field in the live form is as same as how it looks in the form editor. You can modify the appearance of certain fields using the Style settings.…
Number, Slider, and Rating field
There are three fields that store data as a number. Number field You can store a whole number or decimal in a Number field. To let the form user key in decimals,…
Field visibility
By default, all the fields that you create as part of your flow form are visible to the end user. However, you can limit the visibility of certain fields based on your business requirements with the…
Computing fields using Formula Builder
You can write expressions and create formulae for your computed fields with the help of our all-new 'Formula builder'. What is Formula builder? The Formula builder is an inbuilt tool in Kissflow…