Accessing Kissflow App Store
Kissflow App Store contains a variety of applications tailored to the needs of the user. Applications featured in the App Store can be installed directly, purchased, or requested.…
Using Kissflow App Store
Installing an app You install an app from the Kissflow App Store and start using it in your live account. Note: Only Super Admins can install an app. To install an app,…
Introduction to Kissflow App Store
Kissflow App Store is a dedicated place that hosts a wide array of applications that cater to different business use cases. Unlike the process and board templates in Kissflow’s template gallery,…
Chat and Space FAQs
How to create an instant group? To create an instant group, go to the Chat tab on the left navigation panel > click the Create a chat button (). Enter the names or email addresses of the users with…
Google Drive connector
What is Google Drive? Store files in the cloud, synchronize files across devices, and share files with other users using Google Drive. About Kissflow's Google Drive integration The Google Drive…
Creating User workload report with Analytics
Keeping track of your team's workload is crucial for maintaining efficiency in your processes. With Kissflow Analytics, you can create a user workload report to get insights into the number of items…
Pivot tables in boards
You can generate pivot tables to summarize, arrange, and compare a large amount of data related to your board. Pivot tables allow you to easily interchange fields, rows, and columns.…
Process overview
What is a process? A process is a type of workflow that ensures a strict sequential set of steps performed on form data. Flow Admins for a process can set up a form to carry data,…
Adobe Sign connector
What is Adobe Sign? Adobe Acrobat Sign is a cloud-based e-signature service that enables users to submit, sign, track, and manage signing procedures through a browser or mobile device.…
Microsoft Teams connector
What is Microsoft Teams? Microsoft Teams is a collaborative workspace within Microsoft 365 that acts as a central hub for workplace conversations, collaborative teamwork,…
Kissflow extension for Gmail
View and approve your items in Kissflow from your Gmail by adding the Kissflow for Gmail extension to your Chrome browser. Signing into Kissflow from Gmail Go to the Chrome web store and search for…
User management overview
Accessing the User management page Super Admins, IAM Admins, and User Admins have access to the User Management tab in the Account Administration section,…
Notes, status logs, and activity logs in boards
Notes Notes offer an easy way to collaborate with different stakeholders on an item. You can use this feature to add comments, log updates, or action items,…
Kissflow Board connector
Connecting to a board Integration members with permission to access a board can use connectors to send data from a board to other flows in Kissflow or third-party apps.…
User field
You can display a set of usernames as a dropdown with the help of the User field. The difference between a normal dropdown and a User field is, you will be able to display only usernames with the…
List of triggers and actions
Kissflow supports a wide array of integration triggers and actions. Below, you can find all the triggers and actions. Connector name Triggers Actions ActiveCampaign connector ✓ Adobe Sign connector…
Geolocation field
The Geolocation field lets you record the location of the users, with their consent. You can view the recorded location in a Google Maps view embedded into the form.…
Boards FAQs
Can I handle multiple use cases, such as issue tracking, help desk, and service requests using Kissflow Board? Absolutely. Kissflow Board helps you build workflows to manage use cases such as…
Configuring a board form
Every item on a board begins with a form. A form is where you can record all the data for an item. You can customize a board form to include fields to capture the essential information for your…
Tabular reports in boards
Tabular reports can be used to display your board’s data in rows and columns, forming a grid similar to a spreadsheet. Creating a tabular report To create a tabular report,…
App environments
Managing the application lifecycle using environments Kissflow's application lifecycle is an agile process of building applications in the development environment,…
App versioning
Understanding app versioning Versioning your app allows you to easily add or update functionality without affecting existing users. By default, when you build and deploy your app within the App…
Introduction to Kissflow Apps
What is a Kissflow App? Kissflow Apps uses a low-code app development approach that requires little to no coding in order to create applications. It uses visual tools and custom scripting to develop…
Exporting user data
Super Admins, IAM Admins, and User Admins, can export the details of some or all the users in a Kissflow account. Exporting user data To export your user data, follow the steps below:…
Reserved Keywords
Reserved keywords are terms or phrases appropriated for special use that may not be used in the creation of variable names, i.e., these words or phrases cannot be used to name processes,…