Basic and advanced fields

We have classified the fields into two primary categories - All fields and AI-suggested fields for your easy understanding. The All fields tab is further organized into sub-categories such as:

  • Basic fields.

  • Advanced fields.

  • File and media.

  • Data lookup.

  • Widget.

Navigate to the respective form editor in your flow to access the Fields panel to your left side. Toggle between the All fields and AI-suggested fields tabs to access the field that you would like to use in your flow form. You have to drag and drop a field from this panel onto your form editor to add it. You can also click the empty area in your form section to quickly search for a field and add it instantly.

Basic fields

The following are the list of Basic fields that we support:




Stores a single line of text

Text area

Stores multiple lines of text with limited formatting options


Stores numbers or decimals


Stores date only

Date & Time

Stores date along with timestamp


Stores multiple values but lets the user select only one value at a time


Stores binary information like Yes or No.

Multi-select dropdown

Stores multiple values and lets the user select more than one value at a time


Stores multiple values and lets the user check one or more values at a time


Stores currency values


Stores valid email addresses


Stores usernames only


Stores rating values

Advanced fields

The following are the list of Advanced fields that we support:




Stores many file types like DOC, PDF, XLS, XLSX, ODS, etc.,


Stores image files like JPG, JPEG, PNG


Loads data from other flows on to the form


Collects data from different fields and lets the user perform operations like SUM, AVERAGE, CONCATENATE, etc.


Displays a list of options that can be checked off by the form user


Lets the user slide over a number scale to feed their input. The value is stored as a number.

Rich text

Stores multiple lines of text supported along with many formatting options

Remote lookup

Fetches data from an external data source


Stores the user's signature. The user can directly sign in the area provided or upload their signature file accordingly

Sequence number

Generates a number in sequence number automatically whenever a flow item is submitted

Smart attachment

Fetches data from an attachment like a receipt or an invoice, thereby saving the end-user time manually filling in the form fields.


1. What are the various soft limits in Kissflow forms?

Ans) To improve performance and ensure efficient use of resources, Kissflow has put up the following restrictions on each form:

  • A maximum of 1000 fields per form.

  • A default soft limit of 10 child tables in every form.

  • A default soft limit of 100 columns per child table.

  • An upper limit of 5000 rows per child table.

  • An upper limit of 30 events per form (button fields not included).

2. Can I change field data types in a form with more than 5000 items?

Ans) You cannot change field data types in a form when there are more than 5000 records. This restriction is in place to prevent potential versioning issues when modifying data types for large forms. Changing data types for many values can lead to inconsistencies and performance problems.

3. Are there any field types in Kissflow forms that do not have soft limits?

Ans) Yes, certain field types in Kissflow forms are not subject to soft limits:

  • Rich text fields.

  • Grid fields.

  • Button fields (these have a separate soft limit of 100 buttons per form, in addition to the default form limit).

Rich text and Grid fields are exempt from restrictions as they don't contain metadata.

4. What happens if I duplicate a section with increased limits?

Ans) If a flow with increased limits is duplicated, the new flow will inherit the same incremented limits.

5. Will I receive any warnings when approaching these limits?

Ans) Yes, warnings will appear when you are close to reaching the limits. For example, when you have 990 fields and 90 columns, you will receive warnings indicating that you are approaching the limit and suggesting that you request an extension if needed.